
Showing posts from April, 2019

How Microsoft Information Protection (AIP) protects data

Most of these blog posts are created from questions I receive from customers and participants in my Information Protection workshops, and this is no different. There are always questions on how data is protected, what kind of encryption is used, if Microsoft can read the data and so on, so I wanted to try to clarify some of these things here. This is intended for those of you who are new to AIP and encryption, and for deep dives into cryptography there are way better sources out there.

Azure Information Protection and Unified labeling

If you are working with Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) chances are you have heard the term Unified labeling. If you have been working with AIP, you have probably heard or seen references to activating unified labeling. 

What is MIP? (Microsoft Information Protection)

I think most of us who have been working with Microsoft cloud (Azure) have heard about MIP, but not everyone knows what it is, because this question comes up more often than one should think, based on how much information has been released about it since last Ignite. Some have asked me if MIP is just AIP (Azure Information Protection) renamed, but this is not the case.